The potential donor must also be capable of getting the selected sim pregnant through woohoo in your game, which will depend on which pregnancy mods you have installed. If you have the extendedfamily hack, you will need to get one of the +extendedfamily versions of the social plugin for it to properly exclude extended family. (They can, however, be step-family or an in-law).
In order to use the social interaction, the sim must have 500 simoleons, and the other sim cannot be related to the selected sim by blood, or be the sims' spouse (because honestly that makes no sense). To see what all the options are, read on. To install this hack, you need to download four different packages: menu called Request Sperm Donation, which will make your sims pregnant with their child, but on birth the child's second parent will be set to a sim of your choice. This hack introduces a new social interaction which can be found under the Propose. Hopefully made it so that the influence interaction won't push the social.